Журнал Universal Journal of Industrial and Business Management, Volume 1 Number 3 2013
Статья: Modelling and Decision-Making Methods in Internet Marketing: Advertising Budget Efficiency and Advertising QualityAbstract This research is devoted to the methods and models of decision-making in marketing, substantiation of mathematical similarity theory application in factor analysis of market situation (demand for production) while selling via Internet. Russian timber industry enterprises were the object of the research. Demand function was obtained empirically at these enterprises. Factor analysis methods within the Internet marketing system at the enterprises are suggested. The review of decision-making methods and models in marketing, their comparative analysis is made. Modification of Danaher-Rust model applied to quality estimation of advertising on the company’s site is carried out.
Keywords Models of Marketing Decision Making, Factor Model of Production Demand and Sales Function in the Internet, Similarity Theory, Models of Advertising Budget Estimation, Marketing Activity Efficiency.
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Авторский состав:
Сухарев Олег Сергеевич, д.э.н., профессор, ведущий научный сотрудник ИЭ РАН. Область научных интересов — экономика промышленных организаций, управление высокотехнологичными производствами, институциональное обеспечение маркетинговых решений и исследований на фирме.
Курманов Николай Витальевич — коммерческий директор ООО «ЦентрПроектЗащита», кандидат экономических наук. Область научных интересов: интернет-маркетинг, разработка информационных систем поддержки управленческих решений на фирме.